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Official opening for Lostwithiel Preschool

Wednesday 6th April 2011

Lady Mary Holborow officially opens Lostwithiel PreschoolLostwithiel Preschool's brand new purpose-built premises has been officially opened by Lady Mary Holborow, the Lord Lieutenant of Cornwall.


The Preschool first opened its doors in 1969. It is a registered charity run by a community-based group of volunteers. The voluntary committee and other parents and helpers have worked very hard on fundraising and planning for the new building, which is located on the same site as the Lostwithiel School and shares a playground with the school's Foundation Stage building.


Preschool children having facepaintingAt the opening ceremony Lady Holborow revealed a plaque which has been paid for by Lostwithiel Rotary Club. The ceremony was also attended by the architect and representatives from Lostwithiel Town Council and Lostwithiel Rotary Club. Children were entertained during the opening ceremony with face-painting.

The premises have been in use since January 2011.  Facilities include a level entrance into a bright and spacious main room, with low level sinks and toilets and a separate disabled WC. Sliding doors lead to a decked area and enclosed adventure playground beyond.


Lady Mary Holborow meets people at the PreschoolLostwithiel Preschool is Ofsted registered to deliver care to a maximum of 20 children, aged from two and a half to five years. Children attend for a variety of sessions during the week and parents can choose 2.5 hour or 3 hour sessions. The Preschool opens five mornings a week between 08:45 and 11:45, and currently three lunchtime and afternoon sessions on a Monday, Wednesday and Thursday until 3.30pm, during term times.

For more information visit the Lostwithiel Preschool website