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Distillery Sessions: Alex Robertson Trio

Saturday 25th May 2024, 7:00pm

Location: Colwith Farm, Pelyn Cross, Lanlivery, Cornwall, PL22 0JG

Distillery Sessions: Alex Robertson Trios

A celebration of locally curated food, Cornish spirit and live music

Throughout the year (typically the last Saturday of the month) Colwith Farm throw open their doors and invite you to their family farm for a seasonal Distillery Session.  They  have teamed up with local producers, suppliers, chefs and musicians - providing a unique evening for your enjoyment. 

Next session, on  25th May 2024,  features music by Alex Robertson Trio & food by Wild Bake Pizza

Tickets £15 per person

Tickets include a welcome seasonal cocktail / mocktail and music in the distillery  Food purchased separately on the night>

For more details and to book tickets visit 
